Shoppers can now automatically see publicly-available data from the California Safe Cosmetics Products Database, including chemicals of concern used in fragrance that are excluded from product labels, by using the Clearya free mobile app and browser plug-in, all while shopping online at Walmart, Target, Amazon, and iHerb.
Clearya alerts online shoppers of ingredients in products that may have safety concerns according to regulatory or scientific sources. The app also presents alternative products with fewer or no hazardous ingredients, allowing shoppers to make informed choices.
The California Safe Cosmetics Program (CSCP) is pleased to announce this collaboration with Clearya as it serves to fulfill its mandate to present data in an educational manner, to enable people to compare and contrast products and ingredients, and to enhance consumer understanding.
While most personal care products contain fragrance, the actual substances used to make fragrance are typically excluded from product labels. Fragrance mixtures can consist of dozens of substances and may contain chemicals linked to hormone disruption and reproductive toxicity, as well as other hazardous chemicals. The California Cosmetic Fragrance and Flavor Ingredient Right to Know Act of 2020 (SB 312), which went into effect January 2022, obligates companies to report the use of potentially toxic fragrance and flavor ingredients to CSCP, but the law does not require a disclosure of these ingredients on product labels. This new collaboration between CSCP and Clearya advances ingredient transparency by making such CSCP-reported information on fragrance and flavor chemicals of concern available to consumers while visiting popular retailer websites.