A newsletter for Local Health Jurisdictions (LHJs) brought to you by the Technical Assistance (TA) Team, Office of Health Equity, CDPH, every first Wednesday of the month. Subscribe to The Equity Scoop! ​​​​

Napa County Spotlight: Live Healthy Napa County​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Live Healthy Napa County (LHNC) is a multi-sector collaborative that first convened in 2012 to develop a shared vision and plan to make sustainable improvements in the health of all people who live and work in Napa County. Public Health has served as the backbone entity since its inception. Their partners include local health systems, non-profit organizations, local government representatives, school districts, and community members. They engage their partners through a bilingual monthly newsletter, quarterly meetings, and frequent committee work focused on projects described in Napa County’s community health action plan. Authentic community engagement is a cornerstone of their work, and they are constantly working to improve their practices. They feel it is critical that their work be responsive to, and directed by, community members.

They utilize surveying, empathetic interviewing, learning conversations, focus groups, town halls and asset mapping to gain insight into the barriers the community faces; the narratives they receive inform how they prioritize and define their efforts to improve community health. They use Human Centered Design, which allows them to engage the community in the ideation and prototype process of their projects. They regularly seek out grant funding in order to provide stipends for community participation, which has led to community-led Spanish language focus groups, unique design projects, and transforming into a completely bilingual collaborative. Over the past three years, they have been collecting community responses to help define respect and social inclusion (RSI) in Napa County and hope to create a baseline measurement for future health assessments. 

To learn more about Live Healthy Napa County, please contact Erin Nieuwenhuijs, Community Health Planner. 


Universal Human Rights Month

December is known as Universal Human Rights Month; a month to stand up for the equality, justice, and dignity of all humans. The basic idea of human rights is that each one of us, no matter who we are or where we are born, are entitled to the same basic rights and freedoms. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted by the United Nations in 1948 and lists 30 articles containing inalienable rights humans hold upon birth. 

Article 25 of the UDHR states that health is a fundamental human right: “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care.” 

The idea that all people are entitled to attain their full health potential and that no one is “disadvantaged from achieving this potential because of social position or other socially determined circumstances” is the very principle of health equity itself (CDC) and commensurate with the fight for human rights. This includes addressing health inequities that have affected the most marginalized groups, including women, people of color, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities, and more. 

One way to observe Universal Human Rights Month is to model kindness, respect, equality, and dignity of others, including using inclusive and respectful language, understanding individual biases, and respecting others’ experiences. 

Visit The Advocates for Human Rights and Human Rights First to learn more and further your advocacy work.  


Health Equity Lead Directory & Equity Workplans Now Available!​​​​​​​

One of the goals of the Technical Assistance Equity team is to facilitate peer connection among Local Health Jurisdictions by developing dialogue opportunities and spotlighting each other's work. To continue working toward peer connection, we developed the Health Equity Lead Directory and consolidated the equity workplans of LHJs. The documents can be found in a view-only new and improved Equity page, within the CDPH Local Health Jurisdictions SharePoint site!  


Results Based Accountability 101 Training Opportunity  

[Space is Limited, Register Today] 

CDPH is working in collaboration with key partners to develop a State Health Equity Plan (SHEP) to provide a shared vision and framework for advancing health equity and improving community health. Leveraging a Results Based Accountability model, the SHEP will align state and local strategies with shared population results in a common equity framework for measuring progress. Local Health Jurisdictions (LHJs) are invited to attend one of three upcoming Results Based Accountability (RBA) 101 Training Sessions. We encourage 1-2 participants per LHJ – including the dedicated local Equity Leads. This three-hour virtual training session will cover RBA principles, common language, population indicators, performance measures, and “Turn the Curve” thinking. This training supports foundational capacity building to support LHJ engagement in the development and implementation of the SHEP. Space is limited, please identify your LHJ’s representation and register as soon as possible for one of the three sessions linked below: 


The Champions for Equity (C4E) Initiative supports the implementation of the Shared Vision for Healthy and Resilient Communities and provides a unique opportunity to recognize state and Local Health Jurisdictions that prioritize health equity to advance environmental, policy, and systemic change. Learn more and join the Champions for Equity (C4E) Initiative! 


Latest News & Program Reminders

December 13, 2022:

CDPH Equity Portal TA Inquiry Launch (Equity TA Office Hours)  

The Equity Technical Assistance team is excited to be soft launching the Equity Portal Inquiry Function during Office Hours on Dec. 13th. The Equity Portal Inquiry Function will replace the EquityTeam inbox starting Dec. 14th. This Office Hour will feature an introduction to the Equity Portal and training on how to submit TA inquiries moving forward. We highly encourage all LHJs to attend! Office Hours will be held Dec. 13th from 12:30-1:30pm. Join the meeting on Zoom.

December 8, 2022 

Webinar: CACHI RFP Announcement 

The California Accountable Communities for Health Initiative (CACHI) is excited to announce that it will be releasing an RFP early in January 2023 (with a due date approximately six weeks later) to establish up to 25 additional Accountable Communities for Health (ACHs) throughout the state. Community grantees will receive $400K over 2.5 years starting July 2023. CACHI will host an informational webinar on December 8 from 12:00 – 1:30 pm (Zoom registration) to help potential applicants learn more about this opportunity and begin conversations with their partners and communities. 

December 12, 2022:

Data Equity Webinar Series - Session IV: Data and Health Equity: Using Open-Source Data and Mapping to Understand Rural Community and Special Population Needs

This webinar will discuss how everyone should have access to timely, accurate, and relevant data for their community. Register for the webinar on Zoom.  

January 7, 2023:

Power-building Partnerships for Health 2023 Cohort Application DUE ​​​​​​​

Power-building Partnerships for Health is a 9-month program that cultivates powerful collaborations between local health departments and community power-building organizations to advance health equity. Learn more and apply here.  


Training of the Month

Learn practical strategies for addressing racism, microaggressions, and bias as essential aspects of everyday practice in public health by clicking on the ​​​​​​​FREE training below!​​​​​​​

How to be Anti-Racist in the Everyday Practice of Public Health



Do No Harm Guide​​​​​​​

We all share a responsibility to ensure the language, symbols, and point of view we use in our data stories reflect one, fundamental principle: to Do No Harm. The Do No Harm Guide from the Urban Institute is grounded in the belief that we can work together to build a more equitable and inclusive world by using data with sensitivity and care.​​​​​

Housing and Health for All: A Research and Communications Toolkit for COVID-19 and Beyond 

Developed with the expertise of housing organizers, this toolkit distills public health research into talking points and data access guidance that housing and health advocates can easily plug into their campaigns or communications.​​​​​​


Technical Assistance (TA) Services Available: 

For general inquiries or to schedule a 1:1 consultation, send an email to your Equity Specialist (below) via EquityTeam@cdph.ca.gov:  

Northern California (RANCHO) | Haley Ni 

Greater Sacramento | Claudia Medina 

San Joaquin Valley | Janis Ho 

Bay Area (ABAHO) | Salina Ramachhita 

Southern California | Jessica Medina 

**Starting Dec. 14th, all general inquiries will be submitted through the Equity Portal. A demonstration and training will take place on Dec. 13th from 12:30-1:30pm during Office Hours.
Please see above under Latest News and Program Reminders


To share an event, resource, job opportunity, or highlight a success story from your LHJ, please email us at EquityTeam@cdph.ca.gov by the 20th of the month. ​​​​​